
How to prevent and  cure the HPV infection?

How to prevent and  cure the HPV infection?

Human Papilloma Virus in short HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Every year the number of people who are affected from this type of disease is increasing. Also there are many types of HPV that are found in human. When one is suffering from this disease he or she shows some warts in their body and mainly they are found in the genital areas.

Symptoms of HPV:

Usually men do not show any symptoms that are they even do not know that they are having and spreading this disease. Even women do not show any symptoms, this is because the virus is defended by the immune system in their body. It can be identified only by a specific test called Papanicolaou  or PAP.

How to prevent HPV infections?

  • Tests – Getting tested by the physician can help you to maintain your cervical health. Therefore, you must need to examine regularly to get rid of this type of health issue.
  • Using protection – Another way to protect from this condition is using protection while intercourse. Although cervical cancer is not possible with condom use, the genital warts can be contacted, as not all area can be covered .

How to prevent HPV infections?

  • Late intercourse – It is recommended to avoid intercourse before 18 years, as changing the partners can make the virus to affect the body when the body is maturing.
  • Late childbirth – Another way to avoid this type of infection is giving birth to child after 22 years of age. This can lower the risk of cervical dysplasia.
  • Quitting smoking – Women who used to smoke will have more risk to have this type of disease. There will be decreased antioxidants and so this can be avoided by lowering or stopping to smoke.
  • Say no to alcohol – By stopping consuming alcohol can help women to prevent from this type of sexual disease. When one consume alcohol more every day, they will more likely to get infected with HPV.
  • Nutrient rich foods – Those who do not eat fruits, vegetables and supplements will have poor nutrients in their body. These are the people who will get this type of disease easily.

Since prevention is better than cure, you should be more aware of in everything from your activity to food. Also it can be cured by AHCC, which is a compound that should be taken along with other therapy to get cured.

Published by Brayden